Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't have a condom on you?

Imagine, its a crazy night, you pick up someone from the bar and you take her back to your place, things are getting heated, you reach into that drawer near your bed where you hide your love gloves and you realize... Crap! I used the last one I had making water balloons thinking my drought would never end.

At this point in the night you would have to choose between having an awkward session of dry humping followed by pillow talk that makes you feel like you are having an intellectual lobotomy and makes you wonder why you ever go to bars in the first place OR having wild, unprotected sex that you can never truly enjoy because every time you penetrate her you are haunted by this image of a younger you that wakes you up screaming bloody hell for the next 10 years of your life followed by what seems like an eternity of soiled diapers.

Fear Not! A new study published in the June issue of the Journal of Contraception (standard bedside reading material for me) states that "pulling out" or "withdrawal" or "cumming on her face like in porn instead" is just as effective as is the use of condoms for preventing pregnancies and might even have a shot at reducing STD's.

For more information I refer you to:

I suggest you read it if for nothing else than to read the lovely racist and democrat vs. republican mudslinging that happens in the comments section.

Well that certainly takes a load of my chest (and puts it on hers).

A Friendly Note From Our Sponsors: This study is most probably a load of crap, and if you are having sex I recommend she be on the pill AND you use a condom. Better to be safe than preggers. Of course the safest way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is to be ugly.

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