Friday, January 14, 2011

The Comeback Kids!

Yes loyal and disgruntled readers, we are back! After a brief (okay really long) hiatus during which we were finding love, graduating, starting jobs and enjoying a few months of unemployment we have decided to return to our blog with full force. These past 8 months have been a period of unprecedented data collection for our blog. I can speak for myself (and I am sure my co-author will agree with me) that my perspective on life has changed over the course of the last year, although it might not be for the better.

Because of this the focus of our blog will shift slightly. While we will still explore the deep and complex world of gender relations (read: sex), we will do so with an aura of maturity (read: use words with more syllables). Our point of view has changed and this will be reflected in the blog posts from here on out. No longer will our posts sound like they come from young, irresponsible and carefree college students. From now on they will come from slightly less young (using the word "old" is a touchy subject, more on this in a later post), irresponsible and carefree working professionals. While the shift may be subtle to most of our readers, let me assure you, this is groundbreaking, a tectonic shift in the world of online literature if I may be so bold as to call it so.

I sense a pulitzer prize in our future. Get excited!

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