Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Be A Man

There used to be a time when women were wild with imaginations of what was to come: Marriage, children and the like. They were so consumed by it that their lives often revolved around it and women made decisions based on their loved ones. But now, the tables have turned, and as more women gain earning power, men have taken a step down and become somewhat subservient to their feminine counterparts. Are men the new "wo"men?

Two important aspects of being a man are strength and confidence, and once I've seen a man in a position of weakness, I look down on him. I do feel bad about it, but it is certainly one of my biggest turn-offs. When did men decide to be the weaker sex? Why are they so desperate to get married? That vulnerability that they exude is a historically a feminine trait.

As we look back to prehistoric times, men and women, at their core, their deepest instinct, have a desire to reproduce to preserve the human species. Taking into account the survival of the fittest, the woman seeks out the most powerful man so she can produce powerful offspring, and in turn preserve her genome.

If you're a man dying to get married, have a good look at your group of friends. If you're the only remaining bachelor, it means that you are genetically weaker than your friends.

So you see gentlemen, it really comes down to not being such a baby. Its not attractive, women will not date you out of pity, or even because they feel bad for you. Your best bet is to preserve an image of power and status. It won't hurt to hit the gym and bulk up a bit either.

1 comment:

  1. It can be fun when a man pursues you, but when you start contemplating a restraining order, it's not!

    64 missed calls and showing up at my doorstep is not cool.
    Neither is trying to befriend my friends (or my mom)
