Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We are at an age of self-destruction. We don’t mean to do it, but we tend to do some fucked up things every once in a while, and those things are often self-induced. Some of us are too honest for our own good, some of us drink a little too much, and some of us resort to using their fists whenever a minor scuffle comes up. Needless to say, we all manage to mess up our lives somehow.

It’s hard to determine the fine line between having fun and self-destruction. Sure, we all enjoy our liquor, but when is it enough? Do the rules change when we’re drinking to forget? Do they change when we realize the guy chatting us up is ugly as fuck?

As a kid, Life was all about messing things up, but now that we’re out in the real world its like we’ve got to stop being reckless and start taking control. Apparently the mistakes don’t go away anymore. We’ve got to become (and I dare to use the dreaded word) “responsible”.

I guess we aren’t really invincible anymore out here in the real world.

I mean, I like smoking but I don’t like cancer.


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