Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Recovery

So you're having a chilled night out and you vowed that you wouldn't drink, but one thing leads to another and all of a sudden... you're SLOSHED!

You forget everything that happened that night. Or the mundane things at least. The things that seemed like fabulous ideas suddenly give you enough of a reason to never show you're face again.

You hug complete strangers, tell your friends repeatedly how much you love them, maybe even try to show them just how much...

The next morning you notice some bruises. Maybe you fell. Perhaps you bumped into something, but really, that doesn't matter either.

What matters: The shit that went down. Alcohol is like a truth serum. It makes us lose all inhibition and leads to some situations that put us in compromising positions.

I never thought that I'd ever do something I'd regret, but when you wake up the next day and finally have to face the music, it can be a daunting task making a recovery.

The best method of dealing is really to do just that: face the music and come to terms with what you really did.

Of course, like Jamie said, you can totally blame it on the a aaa aaalcohol. Appologize profusely and then go on pretending the night never happened. Its the only way to stay sane.

Good luck on your roads to recovering from ur weekend.

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